Solar Tracking System Ppt
The solar tracker comprises comparator ic lm339 h bridge motor driver ic l293d ic2 and a few discrete components.
Solar tracking system ppt. This solar tracking system is cont rolled by a micro chip pic. Content introduction what is solar trackers need of solar trackers types of solar trackers internal biock diagrem working principle hardware coponents of solar tracker comparison of stationary vs tracked solar energy. Automatic sun tracking system asts ppt with pdf report. Solar led street lighting by vle solar street lighting system is a device that operates using the light energy available from the sun to provide lighting during nighttime.
World s best powerpoint templates crystalgraphics offers more powerpoint templates than anyone else in the world with over 4 million to choose from. Circuit of solar tracking system. They ll give your presentations a professional memorable appearance the kind of sophisticated look that today s audiences expect. By moving the solar panel according to the movement of sun we can always receive the maximum radiation.
Download automatic solar tracker ppt presentation slides and seminar report in pdf for free for cse students. Solar tracking system ask latest information solar tracking system abstract solar tracking system report solar tracking system presentation pdf doc ppt solar tracking system technology discussion solar tracking system paper presentation details solar tracking system ppt pdf report presentation source code abstract seminar project idea seminar topics project project topics. The earth receives 16 x 1018 units of energy from the sun annually which is 20 000 times the requirement of mankind on the earth. Automatic sun tracking system ppt free download as powerpoint presentation ppt pptx pdf file pdf text file txt or view presentation slides online.
The aim of automatic solar tracker is to design the system which will automatically track the sun s position and accordingly change the direction of the solar panel to get the maximum output from the solar cell. The solar pv outdoor lighting is a reliable and an efficient stand alone system. Automatic sun tracking system asts ppt with pdf report. The standalone solar photovoltaic street lighting system comprises of a led lamps as light source re chargeable lead acid battery for.
Light dependent resistors ldr1 through ldr4 are used as sensors to detect the panel s position. Solar tracking system 1. 1 shows the circuit of the solar tracking system. Winner of the standing ovation award for best powerpoint templates from presentations magazine.
Prepared by akhil k electrical and electronics engineering roll no. It is a power point presentation on a project automatic sun tracking system. Solar tracker is the best solution for receiving maximum radiation. Solar tracking system circuit fig.
The search mechanism p ilot locates t he position of the sun and the.